Upgrade Note

This section contains upgrade notes for users from previous verions. Some versions may have deprecated APIs changes in plugin structure. If you are using Vive Hand Tracking plugin for the first time, you can safely skip this section.

v0.10.0 (Breaking APIs)


Skip this section if you start using Vive Hand Tracking SDK after v0.10.0.

Starting from v0.10.0, breaking API changes is instroduced in GestureResult class, float[63] points now changed to Vector3[21] joints.

This changes how to access x, y, z elements in the result point:

  1. points[3 * i] now changed to joints[i].x.
  2. points[3 * i + 1] now changed to joints[i].y.
  3. points[3 * i + 2] now changed to joints[i].z.