How to support 64-bit VR Device

How to configure

Although the pluginkit uses Java, a device vendor may use native code to develope the algorithm. You can set your VR device to support a 64-bit build after 3.0.104 by modifying the build.gradle. You can

  • build 64-bit APK only

When a build supports 64-bit on your device APK, this means that the APK will run as 64-bit when installed on a 64-bit device. See the example below to learn how to modify the build.gradle so that your device supports 64-bit.

Note: Focus on the ndk setting

android {
    defaultConfig {
        ndk {
            abiFilters 'arm64-v8a'                // Target only support 64bit

By default, ndk targets all non-deprecated ABIs. To target a single ABI, set APP_ABI in your file.

APP_ABI := arm64-v8a              # Target only support 64-bit