AdaptiveQuality is used to allow the WaveVR SDK runtime to adjust CPU/GPU performance levels automatically and send events based on system workload. Developers can customize their own policy to adjust rendering quality by these events to get better performance.
- Feasible: level 4
- Effective: level 4
See more at WaveVRAPIUsage.
WVR_EventType_RecommendedQuality_Lower = 1004, /**< Notification recommended quality to Lower from runtime. */
WVR_EventType_RecommendedQuality_Higher = 1005, /**< Notification recommended quality to Higher from runtime. */
Check WaveVR_SystemEvent to know how to listen to these system events.
bool WVR_IsAdaptiveQualityEnabled(bool enable)
- return
- True means the AdaptiveQuality is enabled, False means the AdaptiveQuality is disabled.
bool WVR_EnableAdaptiveQuality(bool enable)
- enable
- True means enable AdaptiveQuality, False means disable AdaptiveQuality.
- return
- True means set successfully, False means set failed.