Compatibility Guide¶
Contents |
Compatibility Checker¶
The compatibility checker could help developer to know API deprecated or not.
- The warning information will be shown in build time if the APIs are used anywhere in the source file.
- [Compile/Build/Package]This picture will show while packaging the android apk. Unreal plugin warning message.
Using Controller Model instead of hardcoding model programmatically, if you would like to show device default controller.
- Controller Model could help developer doesn’t need to redesign the controller model to support in the Wave compatibility devices.
- WaveVR will initialize the proper model when a different controller device is used if the controller model is available.
Interaction Mode¶
Unreal Plugin provide hand mode automatically switch without much effort if the device supports hand tracking feature.
- Unreal Plugin Interaction provides hand mode automatically switch by current system interaction mode to get good compatibility with system.
- Such as launcher and quick menu used hand mode could help developer to know interaction mode to swith hand and controller mode by content design to get good user experience.
Customized play area boundary¶
Vive Wave SDK 4.0.0 supports the customized play area boundary in Wave compatibility devices.
- Vive Wave supports customized boundary area if devices have this feature. Therefore, recommend to use SDK 4.0.0 for content development to make sure UX experience when running on devices which support customized boundary area. If content bases on Wave SDK 3.2.0, it still uses default play area boundary.
- Due to the privacy concern by product design, developer may not get camera image successfully in some devices.
- Vive Wave SDK 4.1.0 supports limited access on camera API.
- If developer would like use camera image please feel free to contact us for further technical support.
Using Hand model instead of hardcoding model programmatically, if you would like to show device default hand.
- Hand model could help developer to make sure the hand model is always update-to-date automatically in the Wave compatibility devices.
Deprecated notice¶
Checkup the deprecated API/Component.
- Checkup if the API/Component will be deprecate could help developer to make sure all required functions workable in the Wave compability devices.
- Use the depreated API/Component may cause application with excepiton in build time or run time.
[Compile/Build/Package]This picture will show while packaging the android apk.
[Using]This picture will show while editing blueprint logic in the blueprint window.
Compatibility analysis tool¶
Provide a compatibility check tool based on the key factors of Wave compatibility, which can help application developers to check whether their applications meet the compatibility requirements, and provide a Wave compatibility analysis report to help developers correct problems.
Set up your development environment
- Download, install android SDK and launch your |AndroidTM| Studio:
2. Download and install Python 3.9 . Please install python related packages by command “pip3 install numpy” (when you parse the log and see No module named ‘OOO’)
Compatibility tool guide
- Select the “Build configuration” of Project Settings in unreal editor as not shipping to enable compatibility checker.
Example of calling the API to enable the compatibility checker.
The API “WVR_SetChecker” will be call after “WVR_Init” if needed.
Run your application with logcat to file.
Input the logcat file and get the output report to check the application comaptibility information. Run this in command window
“python -i logcat.txt -o report-compatibility.txt -a app.apk”
“python -i logcat.txt -o report-compatibility.txt”
Check the API analytics report, see the list below. Any questions related to these, please feel free to contact wave.