System event

System event is a notification from WaveVR to let a developer capture runtime behavior or status change. A developer can add an actor component to monitor a specific event from WaveVR and do actions after the event is received.

A developer can listen to ALL system events in Blueprint like:


In order to listen an event, a developer should add the component WaveVREventCommon and bind the event to OnAllEventBp.

The target name of Event is free, here named Event_All.

When the event comes, the Event Num will be received. Please refer to the corresponding table below (in wvr_types.h):

enum WVR_EventType

event type


WVR_EventType_Quit = 1000

common event region Application Quit.

WVR_EventType_InteractionModeChanged = 1001

WVR_InteractionMode changed. Use WVR_GetInteractionMode to get the interaction mode.

WVR_EventType_GazeTriggerTypeChanged = 1002

WVR_GazeTriggerType changed. Use WVR_GetGazeTriggerType to get the gaze trigger type.

WVR_EventType_TrackingModeChanged = 1003

Notification for tracking mode change(3 DoF/6 DoF). Use WVR_GetDegreeOfFreedom to get the current tracking mode.

WVR_EventType_RecommendedQuality_Lower = 1004

Notification for recommended quality to be Lower from runtime.

WVR_EventType_RecommendedQuality_Higher = 1005

Notification for recommended quality to be Higher from runtime.

WVR_EventType_HandGesture_Changed = 1006

Notification for changed gesture.

WVR_EventType_HandGesture_Abnormal = 1007

Notification for abnormal gesture.

WVR_EventType_HandTracking_Abnormal = 1008

Notification for abnormal hand tracking.

WVR_EventType_ArenaChanged = 1009

Notification for arena have been changed.

WVR_EventType_RenderingToBePaused = 1010

Notification for the rendering is going to be paused due to user take off HMD and display off.

WVR_EventType_RenderingToBeResumed = 1011

Notification for the rendering is going to be resumed due to user put on HMD and display on.

WVR_EventType_SpectatingStarted = 1012

Notification for the spectating started.

WVR_EventType_SpectatingStopped = 1013

Notification for the spectating stopped.

WVR_EventType_SpatialAnchor_Changed = 1101

Notification for the spatial anchor changed.

WVR_EventType_CachedAnchor_Changed = 1102

Notification for the cached anchor changed.

WVR_EventType_PersistedAnchor_Changed = 1103

Notification for the persisted anchor changed.

WVR_EventType_DeviceConnected = 2000

Device events region WVR_DeviceType is connected.

WVR_EventType_DeviceDisconnected = 2001

WVR_DeviceType is disconnected.

WVR_EventType_DeviceStatusUpdate = 2002

WVR_DeviceType configuration has changed.

WVR_EventType_DeviceSuspend = 2003


WVR_EventType_DeviceResume = 2004


WVR_EventType_IpdChanged = 2005

The interpupillary distance has changed; Use WVR_GetRenderProps to get the current IPD.

WVR_EventType_DeviceRoleChanged = 2006

WVR_DeviceType controller roles have switched.

WVR_EventType_BatteryStatusUpdate = 2007

The battery status of WVR_DeviceType device has changed. Use WVR_GetBatteryStatus to check the current battery status.

WVR_EventType_ChargeStatusUpdate = 2008

The charged status of WVR_DeviceType device has changed. Use WVR_GetChargeStatus to check the current battery charge status.

WVR_EventType_DeviceErrorStatusUpdate = 2009

WVR_DeviceType device error occurs. Use WVR_GetDeviceErrorState to get the current error status from the device service.

WVR_EventType_BatteryTemperatureStatusUpdate = 2010

The battery temperature status of WVR_DeviceType device has changed. Use WVR_GetBatteryTemperatureStatus to check the current battery temperature.

WVR_EventType_RecenterSuccess = 2011

Notification for successful recenter for the 6 DoF device

WVR_EventType_RecenterFail = 2012

Notification for recenter failed for the 6 DoF device

WVR_EventType_RecenterSuccess3DoF = 2013

Notification for recenter successful for the 3 DoF device

WVR_EventType_RecenterFail3DoF = 2014

Notification for recenter failed for the 3 DoF device

WVR_EventType_ClearHmdTrackingMapDone = 2015

Notification of the finish of clearing operation of HMD tracking map from device service.

WVR_EventType_InputDevMappingChanged = 2016

Notification for input device mapping table changed.

WVR_EventType_BatteryPercentageUpdate = 2017

The battery percentage of WVR_DeviceType device has changed. Use WVR_GetDeviceBatteryPercentage to check the current battery level.

WVR_EventType_DeviceInfoUpdate = 2018

The device information of WVR_DeviceType device has changed.

WVR_EventType_PassthroughOverlayShownBySystem = 2100

Notification for passthrough overlay is shown by the system.

WVR_EventType_PassthroughOverlayHiddenBySystem = 2101

Notification for passthrough overlay is hidden by the system.

WVR_EventType_ControllerPoseModeChanged = 2102
WVR_EventType_ControllerPoseModeOffsetReady = 2103
WVR_EventType_DeviceTableStaticLocked = 2104

WVR_DeviceType is on table static state.

WVR_EventType_DeviceTableStaticUnlocked = 2105

WVR_DeviceType is not on table static state.

WVR_EventType_ManualFocusChanged = 2106

Notification for manual focus is changed.

WVR_EventType_Hand_EnhanceStable = 2900

Hand and Wrist Tracker event Notification for Enhanced Hand Stability ON or OFF

WVR_EventType_ButtonPressed = 3000

Input Event region WVR_InputId status changed to pressed.

WVR_EventType_ButtonUnpressed = 3001

WVR_InputId status changed to not pressed

WVR_EventType_TouchTapped = 3002

WVR_InputId status changed to touched.

WVR_EventType_TouchUntapped = 3003

WVR_InputId status changed to untouched.

WVR_EventType_LeftToRightSwipe = 3004

Notification for swipe motion (left to right) on the touchpad

WVR_EventType_RightToLeftSwipe = 3005

Notification for swipe motion (right to left) on the touchpad

WVR_EventType_DownToUpSwipe = 3006

Notification for swipe motion (down to up) on the touchpad

WVR_EventType_UpToDownSwipe = 3007

Notification for swipe motion (up to down) on the touchpad

WVR_EventType_TrackerConnected = 4000

Tracker events region WVR_TrackerId is connected.

WVR_EventType_TrackerDisconnected = 4001

WVR_TrackerId is disconnected.

WVR_EventType_TrackerBatteryLevelUpdate = 4002

The battery level of WVR_TrackerId has changed. Use WVR_GetTrackerBatteryLevel to check the current battery level.

WVR_EventType_TrackerRoleChanged = 4003

WVR_TrackerId is role changed.

WVR_EventType_TrackerButtonPressed = 5000

Tracker input events region WVR_InputId status of WVR_TrackerId changed to pressed.

WVR_EventType_TrackerButtonUnpressed = 5001

WVR_InputId status of WVR_TrackerId changed to not pressed

WVR_EventType_TrackerTouchTapped = 5002

WVR_InputId status of WVR_TrackerId changed to touched.

WVR_EventType_TrackerTouchUntapped = 5003

WVR_InputId status of WVR_TrackerId changed to untouched.

WVR_EventType_TrackerLeftToRightSwipe = 5004

Notification for swipe motion (left to right) on the touchpad of Tracker

WVR_EventType_TrackerRightToLeftSwipe = 5005

Notification for swipe motion (right to left) on the touchpad of Tracker

WVR_EventType_TrackerDownToUpSwipe = 5006

Notification for swipe motion (down to up) on the touchpad of Tracker

WVR_EventType_TrackerUpToDownSwipe = 5007

Notification for swipe motion (up to down) on the touchpad of Tracker

WVR_EventType_BodyTrackingCalibrationChanged = 6000

BodyTracking events region Notification for BodyTracking calibration parameters change