
WVR_EXPORT WVR_Result WVR_GetSceneObjects(uint32_t objectCapacityInput, uint32_t * objectCountOutput, WVR_PoseOriginModel originModel, WVR_SceneObject * objects)

Function is used to retrieve scene objects.

This is two calls API. Developers should call this API with the value of objectCapacityInput equals to 0 to retrieve the size of objects from objectCountOutput. Then developers allocate the array of WVR_SceneObject data and assign the objectCapacityInput and call the API in the second time. Then runtime will fill the WVR_SceneObject array. Note that only WVR_PoseOriginModel_OriginOnHead and WVR_PoseOriginModel_OriginOnGround cases are supported in originModel.

API Level 16
  • objectCapacityInput: the capacity of the objects array, or 0 to indicate a request to retrieve the required capacity.
  • objectCountOutput: a pointer to the count of objects written, or a pointer to the required capacity in the case that objectCapacityInput is insufficient.
  • originModel: Only WVR_PoseOriginModel_OriginOnHead and WVR_PoseOriginModel_OriginOnGround are supported, refer to WVR_PoseOriginModel.
  • objects: An array of WVR_SceneObject will be filled by the runtime.
Return Value
  • WVR_Success: Get scene objects successfully.
  • others: WVR_Result mean failure.

How to use

Sample function:

#include <wvr/wvr_scene.h>

if (WVR_StartScene() == WVR_Success) {
    if (WVR_StartScenePerception(WVR_ScenePerceptionTarget_3dObject) == WVR_Success) {
        WVR_ScenePerceptionState state;
        if (WVR_GetScenePerceptionState(WVR_ScenePerceptionTarget_3dObject, &state) == WVR_SUCCESS) {
            // wait until state is WVR_ScenePerceptionState_Completed
            if (state == WVR_ScenePerceptionState_Completed) {
                // Start scene perception with WVR_ScenePerceptionTarget_3dObject successfully and get the state as completed.
                // Developers can call WVR_GetSceneObjects to get scene object data
                uint32_t sceneCount = 0;
                WVR_SceneObject *sceneObjects;
                if (WVR_GetSceneObjects(nullptr, 0, &sceneCount, WVR_PoseOriginModel_OriginOnHead, nullptr) == WVR_Success) {
                    sceneObjects = (WVR_SceneObject*)malloc(sizeof(WVR_SceneObject)*sceneCount);
                    if (WVR_GetSceneObjects(nullptr, sceneCount, &sceneCount, WVR_PoseOriginModel_OriginOnHead, sceneObjects) == WVR_Success) {
                       // get scene objects data successfully

    } else {
        // start perception with WVR_ScenePerceptionTarget_3dObject failed
    // ...
} else {
    // start scene failed!