
WVR_EXPORT int32_t WVR_GetInputDeviceCapability(WVR_DeviceType type, WVR_InputType inputType)

Function to get the Input Device Capability for WVR_InputType.

int32_t, bitmask for WVR_InputId. A value of -1 means an error has occured.
API Level 1

How to use

Here is an example for the function:

 static const std::map<WVR_InputId, const char*> table {
         {WVR_InputId_0, "System"},
         {WVR_InputId_1, "Menu"},
         {WVR_InputId_2, "Grip"},
         {WVR_InputId_3, "DPad Left"},
         {WVR_InputId_4, "DPad Up"},
         {WVR_InputId_5, "DPad Right"},
         {WVR_InputId_6, "DPad Down"},
         {WVR_InputId_7, "Volume Up"},
         {WVR_InputId_8, "Volume Down"},
         {WVR_InputId_9, "Digtal Trigger"},
         {WVR_InputId_16, "Touchpad"},
         {WVR_InputId_17, "Trigger"},

// Check what input types the controller supports.
// It will return bitmask for WVR_InputType.
 uint32_t right_ctl_button = WVR_GetInputDeviceCapability(WVR_DeviceType_Controller_Right, WVR_InputType_Button);
 uint32_t right_ctl_touch = WVR_GetInputDeviceCapability(WVR_DeviceType_Controller_Right, WVR_InputType_Touch);
 uint32_t right_ctl_analog = WVR_GetInputDeviceCapability(WVR_DeviceType_Controller_Right, WVR_InputType_Analog);

 // Check what kind of buttons the controller supports.
 // If supported, check if button state is pressed or not pressed.
 for (int i = WVR_InputId_0; i < WVR_InputId_Max; i++) {
     if (right_ctl_button & (1 << i)) {
         if (WVR_GetInputButtonState(WVR_DeviceType_Controller_Right, static_cast<WVR_InputId>(i))) {
             LOGI("%s is pressed", table.at(static_cast<WVR_InputId>(i)));

 // Check what kind of touch the controller supports.
 // If supported, check if touch state is touched or untouched.
 for (int i = WVR_InputId_0; i < WVR_InputId_Max; i++) {
     if (right_ctl_touch & (1 << i)) {
         if (WVR_GetInputTouchState(WVR_DeviceType_Controller_Right, static_cast<WVR_InputId>(i))) {
             LOGI("%s is touchedd", table.at(static_cast<WVR_InputId>(i)));

 // Check what kind of analog input the controller supports.
 // If supported, print the analog axis value.
 for (int i = WVR_InputId_0; i < WVR_InputId_Max; i++) {
     if (right_ctl_analog & (1 << i)) {
         WVR_Axis_t axis = WVR_GetInputAnalogAxis(WVR_DeviceType_Controller_Right, static_cast<WVR_InputId>(i));
         LOGI("%s axis : x= %f, y= %f", table.at(static_cast<WVR_InputId>(i)), axis.x, axis.y);

How to use bitmask?

  • There are 3 types of WVR_InputType: Button, Analog ,and Touch.
  • Use the WVR_GetInputDeviceCapability function to check what kind of InputType controller is supported.
  • Button:
  • WVR_GetInputDeviceCapability(WVR_DeviceType_Controller_Right, WVR_InputType_Button);

If the bitmask shows:

  • right_ctl_button: 0000000000000011 0000000000000010

On 1, 16, 17 bits = 1 , the right controller supports a menu button, trigger and touchpad.

  • Touch:
    • WVR_GetInputDeviceCapability(WVR_DeviceType_Controller_Right, WVR_InputType_Touch);

If the bitmask shows:

  • right_ctl_touch: 0000000000000011 0000000000000010

On 1, 16, 17 bits = 1 , the right controller supports a menu button, trigger and touchpad support touch capability.

  • Analog:

    • WVR_GetInputDeviceCapability(WVR_DeviceType_Controller_Right, WVR_InputType_Analog);

If the bitmask shows:

  • right_ctl_analog: 0000000000000011 0000000000000000

On 1, 16, 17 bits = 1 , the right controller supports a menu button, trigger and touchpad support analog capability.

enum WVR_InputType

Input type for the input id.


WVR_InputType_Button = 1<<0

Button input type

WVR_InputType_Touch = 1<<1

Touch input type

WVR_InputType_Analog = 1<<2

Analog input type

enum WVR_InputId

The input id of the device.


WVR_InputId_0 = 0
WVR_InputId_1 = 1
WVR_InputId_2 = 2
WVR_InputId_3 = 3
WVR_InputId_4 = 4
WVR_InputId_5 = 5
WVR_InputId_6 = 6
WVR_InputId_7 = 7
WVR_InputId_8 = 8
WVR_InputId_9 = 9
WVR_InputId_10 = 10
WVR_InputId_11 = 11
WVR_InputId_12 = 12
WVR_InputId_13 = 13
WVR_InputId_14 = 14
WVR_InputId_15 = 15
WVR_InputId_16 = 16
WVR_InputId_17 = 17
WVR_InputId_18 = 18
WVR_InputId_19 = 19
WVR_InputId_Alias1_System = WVR_InputId_0

System button.

WVR_InputId_Alias1_Menu = WVR_InputId_1

Menu button.

WVR_InputId_Alias1_Grip = WVR_InputId_2

Grip button.

WVR_InputId_Alias1_DPad_Left = WVR_InputId_3

A physical DPad_Left button, or simulated by pressing the left part of the touchpad.

WVR_InputId_Alias1_DPad_Up = WVR_InputId_4

A physical DPad_Up button, or simulated by pressing the top part of the touchpad.

WVR_InputId_Alias1_DPad_Right = WVR_InputId_5

A physical DPad_Right button, or simulated by pressing the right part of the touchpad.

WVR_InputId_Alias1_DPad_Down = WVR_InputId_6

A physical DPad_Down button, or simulated by pressing the bottom part of the touchpad.

WVR_InputId_Alias1_Volume_Up = WVR_InputId_7

Volume_Up button.

WVR_InputId_Alias1_Volume_Down = WVR_InputId_8

Volume_Down button.

WVR_InputId_Alias1_Bumper = WVR_InputId_9

Bumper button.

WVR_InputId_Alias1_A = WVR_InputId_10

A button.

WVR_InputId_Alias1_B = WVR_InputId_11

B button.

WVR_InputId_Alias1_X = WVR_InputId_12

X button.

WVR_InputId_Alias1_Y = WVR_InputId_13

Y button.

WVR_InputId_Alias1_Back = WVR_InputId_14

Hmd Back button

WVR_InputId_Alias1_Enter = WVR_InputId_15

Hmd Enter button

WVR_InputId_Alias1_Touchpad = WVR_InputId_16

Touchpad input device.

WVR_InputId_Alias1_Trigger = WVR_InputId_17

Trigger input device.

WVR_InputId_Alias1_Thumbstick = WVR_InputId_18

Thumbstick input device.

WVR_InputId_Alias1_Parking = WVR_InputId_19

Parking input device.

WVR_InputId_Max = 32