
WVR_EXPORT int32_t WVR_GetTrackerInputDeviceCapability(WVR_TrackerId trackerId, WVR_InputType inputType)

Function to get the input device capability of the tracker device for WVR_InputType.

int32_t, bitmask for WVR_InputId. A value of -1 means an error has occurred.
API Level 8

How to use

Here is an example for the function:

  1. Header & global variables.
#include <wvr/wvr.h> // for enum WVR_SupportedFeature
#include <wvr/wvr_events.h>
#include <wvr/wvr_tracker.h>
#include <wvr/wvr_types.h>

bool gRunningTR = false;

// Global variable for device capabilities of WVR_TrackerId_0
WVR_TrackerCapabilities_t gCapabilitiesId0;
  1. Start tracker feature first if it has not been started yet. (See also WVR Supported Features)
    • And (Timing 1 - After starting tracker feature successfully) use function WVR_GetTrackerCapabilities to get tracker capabilities to check whether button feature (capability supportsInputDevice) is supported or not.
if (WVR_GetSupportedFeatures() & WVR_SupportedFeature_Tracker) { // the tracker feature is supported or not
    WVR_Result res = WVR_StartTracker();
    if (res == WVR_Success) gRunningTR = true;

// Timing 1: Update the tracker capabilities after WVR_StartTracker for the tracker device which has been connected before.
if (gRunningTR && WVR_IsTrackerConnected(WVR_TrackerId_0)) {
    WVR_Result ret = WVR_GetTrackerCapabilities(event.tracker.trackerId, &gCapabilitiesId0);
    // Needs gCapabilitiesId0.supportsInputDevice
  1. (Timing 2 - When receiving event WVR_EventType_TrackerConnected) Use function WVR_GetTrackerCapabilities to get tracker capabilities to check whether button feature (capability supportsInputDevice) is supported or not.
void ProcessEvent() {
    WVR_Event_t event;
    while(WVR_PollEventQueue(&event)) {
        switch (event.common.type) {
            /* Timing 2: Update tracker capabilities when tracker device has just been connected.*/
            case WVR_EventType_TrackerConnected:
                    if (gRunningTR && event.tracker.trackerId == WVR_TrackerId_0) {
                        WVR_Result ret = WVR_GetTrackerCapabilities(event.tracker.trackerId, &gCapabilitiesId0);
                        LOGI("Tracker capabilities of TrackerId_%d: ret: %d, capabilities: %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d",
                            event.tracker.trackerId, ret,
  1. Use function WVR_GetTrackerInputDeviceCapability (with different parameters) to check supported button features (eg. press & unpress, touch & untouch, analog data) of all button elements.


  1. This function works when capability supportsInputDevice of tracker device is true.
  2. If button feature is not supported, the returned value will be -1.
if (gRunningTR &&
    gCapabilitiesId0.supportsInputDevice &&
    WVR_IsTrackerConnected(WVR_TrackerId_0)) {
    int32_t clickCap = 0, touchCap = 0, analogCap = 0;
    // 1. Get the bit map of supporting press & unpress features for all buttons.
    clickCap = WVR_GetTrackerInputDeviceCapability(WVR_TrackerId_0, WVR_InputType_Button);

    // 2. Get the bit map of supporting touch & untouch features for all buttons.
    touchCap = WVR_GetTrackerInputDeviceCapability(WVR_TrackerId_0, WVR_InputType_Touch);

    // 3. Get the bit map of supporting analog data feature for all buttons.
    analogCap = WVR_GetTrackerInputDeviceCapability(WVR_TrackerId_0, WVR_InputType_Analog);
  • Explanation

    1. Call function with parameter WVR_InputType_Button. (See also enum WVR_InputId on Types in wvr.h for button definition)

      If the returned value of clickCap is 408703 (binary number: 01100011110001111111), that means the button elements which support press & unpress features are:

      • bit0: WVR_InputId_Alias1_System
      • bit1: WVR_InputId_Alias1_Menu
      • bit2: WVR_InputId_Alias1_Grip
      • bit3: WVR_InputId_Alias1_DPad_Left
      • bit4: WVR_InputId_Alias1_DPad_Up
      • bit5: WVR_InputId_Alias1_DPad_Right
      • bit6: WVR_InputId_Alias1_DPad_Down
      • bit10: WVR_InputId_Alias1_A
      • bit11: WVR_InputId_Alias1_B
      • bit12: WVR_InputId_Alias1_X
      • bit13: WVR_InputId_Alias1_Y
      • bit17: WVR_InputId_Alias1_Trigger
      • bit18: WVR_InputId_Alias1_Thumbstick
    2. Call function with parameter WVR_InputType_Touch.

      If the returned value of touchCap is 932871 (binary number: 11100011110000000111), that means the button elements which support touch & untouch features are:

      • bit0: WVR_InputId_Alias1_System
      • bit1: WVR_InputId_Alias1_Menu
      • bit2: WVR_InputId_Alias1_Grip
      • bit10: WVR_InputId_Alias1_A
      • bit11: WVR_InputId_Alias1_B
      • bit12: WVR_InputId_Alias1_X
      • bit13: WVR_InputId_Alias1_Y
      • bit17: WVR_InputId_Alias1_Trigger
      • bit18: WVR_InputId_Alias1_Thumbstick
      • bit19: WVR_InputId_Alias1_Parking
    3. Call function with parameter WVR_InputType_Analog.

      If the returned value of analogCap is 393216 (binary number: 01100000000000000000), that means the button elements which support analog data feature are:

      • bit17: WVR_InputId_Alias1_Trigger
      • bit18: WVR_InputId_Alias1_Thumbstick


  1. See also WVR_GetTrackerInputButtonState to get pressed / unpressed state of button element.
  2. See also WVR_GetTrackerInputTouchState to get touched / untouched state of button element.
  3. See also WVR_GetTrackerInputDeviceAnalogType to get the supported analog type of button element.
  4. See also WVR_GetTrackerInputAnalogAxis to get analog value of button element.