
WVR_EXPORT WVR_Result WVR_StartTracker()

Function to start the feature of the tracker.

This API will start the feature of the tracker. This API must be called by main thread.

API Level 8
Return Value
  • WVR_Success: start the tracker feature successfully.
  • others: means failure. (Refer to WVR_Result.)

How to use

Here is an example for the function:

  1. Header & global variable.
#include <wvr/wvr.h> // for enum WVR_SupportedFeature
#include <wvr/wvr_tracker.h>
#include <wvr/wvr_types.h>

bool gRunningTR = false;
  1. Use function WVR_StartTracker to start tracker feature. (See also WVR Supported Features)
if (WVR_GetSupportedFeatures() & WVR_SupportedFeature_Tracker) { // the tracker feature is supported or not
    WVR_Result res = WVR_StartTracker();
    if (res == WVR_Success) gRunningTR = true;


This function must be called first and return WVR_Success before calling other tracker functions.