WVR Supported Features

Check if the following features are supported in your device before using the related APIs.

WVR_EXPORT uint64_t WVR_GetSupportedFeatures()

Function to get if a feature is supportted.

This API can work before or after invoking WVR_Init

The bitmask of all the supported features
API Level 5

How to use

Here is an example for WVR_GetSupportedFeatures:

#include <wvr/wvr.h>
#include <wvr/wvr_arena.h>
#include <wvr/wvr_hand.h>
#include <wvr/wvr_eyetracking.h>
#include <wvr/wvr_eyeexp.h>
#include <wvr/wvr_lip.h>
#include <wvr/wvr_tracker.h>

uint64_t supported = WVR_GetSupportedFeatures();

if (supported & WVR_SupportedFeature_PassthroughOverlay) {
    // This device supports passthrough overlay feature

if (supported & WVR_SupportedFeature_HandTracking) {
    // This device supports hand tracking feature
    // WVR_StartHandTracking

if (supported & WVR_SupportedFeature_HandGesture) {
    // This device supports hand gesture feature
    // WVR_StartHandGesture

if (supported & WVR_SupportedFeature_EyeTracking) {
    // This device supports eye tracking feature

if (supported & WVR_SupportedFeature_EyeExp) {
    // This device supports eye expression feature

if (supported & WVR_SupportedFeature_LipExp) {
    // This device supports lip expression feature

if (supported & WVR_SupportedFeature_Tracker) {
    // This device supports tracker feature

The enum type WVR_SupportedFeature is defined in header wvr.h (as below) for being uesed to check the return value of function WVR_GetSupportedFeatures.

typedef enum {
    WVR_SupportedFeature_PassthroughImage   = 1<<0,    /**< Passthrough image feature type */
    WVR_SupportedFeature_PassthroughOverlay = 1<<1,    /**< Passthrough overlay feature type */

    WVR_SupportedFeature_HandTracking       = 1<<4,    /**< Hand tracking feature type */
    WVR_SupportedFeature_HandGesture        = 1<<5,    /**< Hand gesture feature type */
    WVR_SupportedFeature_ElectronicHand     = 1<<6,    /**< Electronic hand feature type */
    WVR_SupportedFeature_ColorGamutsRGB     = 1<<7,    /**< Color gamut sRGB */
    WVR_SupportedFeature_ColorGamutP3       = 1<<8,    /**< Color gamut P3 */
    WVR_SupportedFeature_EyeTracking        = 1<<9,    /**< Tracking of Eye */
    WVR_SupportedFeature_EyeExp             = 1<<10,   /**< Expression of Eye; Wide, Squeeze, Frown*/
    WVR_SupportedFeature_LipExp             = 1<<11,   /**< Expression of Lip; Jaw, Mouth, Cheek, Tongue*/
    WVR_SupportedFeature_Tracker            = 1<<16,   /**< Tracker feature type */
    WVR_SupportedFeature_ScenePerception    = 1<<17,   /**< Scene Perception feature type */
    WVR_SupportedFeature_Marker             = 1<<18,   /**< Marker feature type */
} WVR_SupportedFeature;