
WVR_EXPORT void WVR_ReleaseCtrlerModelAnimNodeData(WVR_CtrlerModelAnimData_t ** ctrlModelAnimData)

Use this function to deallocate the memory used for the controller animation.

Delete the animation data received from WVR_GetCtrlerModelAnimNodeData.

API Level 7
  • ctrlModelAnimData: An allocated object about animation data. The object will be destroyed and the structure cleared(ctrlModelAnimData will be set nullptr).

How to use

See the example below:

std::function<void()> loadModelFunc = [this](){
    if (mCachedData != nullptr) {
        WVR_ReleaseControllerModel(&mCachedData); //we will clear cached data ptr to nullptr.
    WVR_Result result = WVR_GetCurrentControllerModel(mCtrlerType, &mCachedData);
    if (result == WVR_Success) {
        //It represent ok, set a flag to notify graphics initialization in render thread.
        // Get API data.
        WVR_CtrlerModelAnimData_t *animData = nullptr;
        result = WVR_GetCtrlerModelAnimNodeData(mCtrlerType, &animData);
        if (result == WVR_Success) {
            //To Do : to initialize pose data.
            //Release after inititalization.

The full example is in the Controller class of the wvr_native_hellovr sample.