Eye Tracking¶
VIVE Wave™ plugin supports the Eye Tracking feature. By following this guide you can retrieve the tracking data of left, right and combined eyes. The Eye Tracking data contains:
- Gaze origin
- Gaze direction
- Eye openness
- Pupil diameter
- Pupil position
You can use Eye Tracking data to implementing the Gaze feature. VIVE Wave™ plugin also provides an Actor component of Eye Tracking Gaze named WaveVRGazePointer.
Modify AndroidManifest.xml¶
To enable the Eye Tracking feature, you have to add below content to your AndroidManifest.xml.
<uses-feature android:name="wave.feature.eyetracking" android:required="true" />
Or you can go to Project Settings > Plugins > Wave VR > Render and select the Enable Eye Tracking option.

Eye Tracking API¶
VIVE Wave™ plugin supports the Unreal UEyeTrackerFunctionLibrary and VIVE Wave™ plugin uses Unreal UEyeTrackerFunctionLibrary in Plugins > WaveVR > Source > WaveVR > Private > InputModule > WaveVRGazePointer.cpp.
Instead of using the Unreal UEyeTrackerFunctionLibrary, VIVE Wave™ plugin provides the Eye Blueprint Function Library in Plugins > WaveVR > Source > WaveVR > Public > Eye > WaveVREyeBPLibrary.h listed as below.
#include "Eye/WaveVREyeBPLibrary.h"
UENUM(BlueprintType, Category = "WaveVR|Eye")
enum class EWaveVREyeTrackingStatus : uint8
// Initial, can call Start API in this state.
// Processing, should NOT call API in this state.
// Running, can call Stop API in this state.
// Do nothing.
void UWaveVREyeBPLibrary::StartEyeTracking(EWVR_CoordinateSystem coordinate)
void UWaveVREyeBPLibrary::StopEyeTracking()
void UWaveVREyeBPLibrary::RestartEyeTracking()
EWaveVREyeTrackingStatus UWaveVREyeBPLibrary::GetEyeTrackingStatus()
bool UWaveVREyeBPLibrary::IsEyeTrackingAvailable()
bool UWaveVREyeBPLibrary::IsStereoEyeDataAvailable()
EWVR_CoordinateSystem UWaveVREyeBPLibrary::GetEyeSpace()
// Combined eye data
bool UWaveVREyeBPLibrary::GetCombinedEyeOrigin(FVector& origin)
bool UWaveVREyeBPLibrary::GetCombindedEyeDirectionNormalized(FVector& direction)
// Left eye data
bool UWaveVREyeBPLibrary::GetLeftEyeOrigin(FVector& origin)
bool UWaveVREyeBPLibrary::GetLeftEyeDirectionNormalized(FVector& direction)
bool UWaveVREyeBPLibrary::GetLeftEyeOpenness(float& openness)
bool UWaveVREyeBPLibrary::GetLeftEyePupilDiameter(float& diameter)
bool UWaveVREyeBPLibrary::GetLeftEyePupilPositionInSensorArea(FVector2D& position)
// Right eye data
bool UWaveVREyeBPLibrary::GetRightEyeOrigin(FVector& origin)
bool UWaveVREyeBPLibrary::GetRightEyeDirectionNormalized(FVector& direction)
bool UWaveVREyeBPLibrary::GetRightEyeOpenness(float& openness)
bool UWaveVREyeBPLibrary::GetRightEyePupilDiameter(float& diameter)
bool UWaveVREyeBPLibrary::GetRightEyePupilPositionInSensorArea(FVector2D& position)
You can refer to Plugins > WaveVR > Source > WaveVREyeTracker > Private > FWaveVREyeTracker.cpp about the usage of Wave Eye Blueprint Function Library.
We recommend that you use the Unreal UEyeTrackerFunctionLibrary since it’s easier understanding.
You can refer to Input - Adding a WaveVRGazePointer component about the usage of WaveVRGazePointer.
For Eye Tracking, WaveVRGazePointer provides an additional option as below photo.

When Eye Tracking
is selected, the Gaze pointer moves following your sight if you already enabled the Eye Tracking feature. (refer to Modify AndroidManifest.xml)