
WVR_EXPORT bool WVR_IsEnhanceHandStable()

Function to examine Hand stability is guaranteed in engine level.

API Level 8

With WAVE Wrist Tracker, Algorithm has a guaranteed hand wrist pose to enhance hand tracking. Content Developers need to guide user to wear the tracker and use relevant APIs or event to request, withdraw, or confirm this functionality.

How to use

Sample function:

#include <wvr/wvr_hand.h>
bool isFusion;
// request Fusion ON, when with WAVE Wrist Tracker

// inquiry Fusion on/off,
// i.e. the response of Algorithm level
isFusion = WVR_IsEnhanceHandStable();
/// isFusion may get true.

// request Fusion OFF, when without WAVE Wrist Tracker

// inquiry Fusion on/off,
// i.e. the response of Algorithm level
isFusion = WVR_IsEnhanceHandStable();
/// isFusion may get false.

// event parsing for Fusion on/off,
// i.e. the notification from Algorithm level
while(WVR_PollEventQueue(&event)) {
    if (event.hand.common.type == WVR_EventType_Hand_EnhanceStable) {
        bool isFusion = event.hand.isEnhancedStable;