
WVR_EXPORT WVR_Result WVR_StartHandTracking(WVR_HandTrackerType type)

Use this function to start hand tracking feature.

Use this API to start hand tracking module. This API must be called by main thread.

API Level 6
  • type: The type of hand tracker. Refer to WVR_HandTrackerType. If type is WVR_HandTrackerType_Natural, please check WVR_DeviceType_NaturalHand_Right or WVR_DeviceType_NaturalHand_Left is connected before starting. Otherwise, please check WVR_DeviceType_ElectronicHand_Right or WVR_DeviceType_ElectronicHand_Left is connected before starting.
Return Value
  • WVR_Success: start hand tracking feature successfully.
  • others: WVR_Result mean failure.

How to use

Sample function:

#include <wvr/wvr_hand.h>

if (WVR_StartHandTracking(WVR_HandTrackerType_Natural) == WVR_Success) {
} else {
    // start hand tracking failed!