
System Events

VIVE Wave™ XR plugin defines system events in the native package (refer to Wave XR Plugin Packages) as below:

public enum WVR_EventType
    /** common event region */
    WVR_EventType_Quit                               = 1000,    /**< Application Quit. */
    WVR_EventType_SystemInteractionModeChanged       = 1001,    /**< @ref WVR_InteractionMode changed; using @ref WVR_GetInteractionMode to get interaction mode. */
    WVR_EventType_SystemGazeTriggerTypeChanged       = 1002,    /**< @ref WVR_GazeTriggerType changed; using @ref WVR_GetGazeTriggerType to get gaze trigger type. */
    WVR_EventType_TrackingModeChanged                = 1003,    /**< Notification of changing tracking mode (3 Dof/6 Dof); using @ref WVR_GetDegreeOfFreedom can get current tracking mode.*/
    WVR_EventType_RecommendedQuality_Lower           = 1004,    /**< Notification recommended quality to Lower from runtime. */
    WVR_EventType_RecommendedQuality_Higher          = 1005,    /**< Notification recommended quality to Higher from runtime. */
    WVR_EventType_HandGesture_Changed                = 1006,    /**< Notification gesture changed. */
    WVR_EventType_HandGesture_Abnormal               = 1007,    /**< Notification gesture abnormal. */
    WVR_EventType_HandTracking_Abnormal              = 1008,    /**< Notification hand tracking abnormal. */
    WVR_EventType_ArenaChanged                       = 1009,    /**< Notification arena changed. */
    WVR_EventType_RenderingToBePaused                = 1010,
    WVR_EventType_RenderingToBeResumed               = 1011,

    WVR_EventType_DeviceConnected                    = 2000,    /**< @ref WVR_DeviceType connected. */
    WVR_EventType_DeviceDisconnected                 = 2001,    /**< @ref WVR_DeviceType disconnected. */
    WVR_EventType_DeviceStatusUpdate                 = 2002,    /**< @ref WVR_DeviceType configure changed. */
    WVR_EventType_DeviceSuspend                      = 2003,    /**< When user takes off HMD*/
    WVR_EventType_DeviceResume                       = 2004,    /**< When user puts on HMD*/
    WVR_EventType_IpdChanged                         = 2005,    /**< The interpupillary distance has been changed; using @ref WVR_GetRenderProps can get current ipd. */
    WVR_EventType_DeviceRoleChanged                  = 2006,    /**< @ref WVR_DeviceType controller roles are switched. */
    WVR_EventType_BatteryStatusUpdate                = 2007,    /**< @ref WVR_DeviceType the battery status of device has changed; using @ref WVR_GetBatteryStatus to check the current status of the battery. */
    WVR_EventType_ChargeStatusUpdate                 = 2008,    /**< @ref WVR_DeviceType the charged status of device has changed; using @ref WVR_GetChargeStatus to check the current status of the battery in use. */
    WVR_EventType_DeviceErrorStatusUpdate            = 2009,    /**< @ref WVR_DeviceType device occurs some warning; using @ref WVR_GetDeviceErrorState to get the current error status from device service. */
    WVR_EventType_BatteryTemperatureStatusUpdate     = 2010,    /**< @ref WVR_DevcieType battery temperature of device has changed; using @ref WVR_GetBatteryTemperatureStatus to get the current battery temperature. */
    WVR_EventType_RecenterSuccess                    = 2011,    /**< Notification of recenter success for 6 DoF device*/
    WVR_EventType_RecenterFail                       = 2012,    /**< Notification of recenter fail for 6 DoF device*/
    WVR_EventType_RecenterSuccess3DoF                = 2013,    /**< Notification of recenter success for 3 DoF device*/
    WVR_EventType_RecenterFail3DoF                   = 2014,    /**< Notification of recenter fail for 3 DoF device*/
    WVR_EventType_ClearHmdTrackingMapDone            = 2015,    /**< Notification of the finish of clearing operation of HMD tracking map from device service*/
    WVR_EventType_InputDevMappingChanged             = 2016,    /**< Notification for input device mapping table changed.*/
    WVR_EventType_BatteryPercentageUpdate            = 2017,    /**< Notification for battery percentage update.*/
    WVR_EventType_DeviceInfoUpdate                   = 2018,

    WVR_EventType_PassThroughOverlayShownBySystem    = 2100,    /**< Notification for passthrough overlay is shown by the system.*/
    WVR_EventType_PassThroughOverlayHiddenBySystem   = 2101,    /**< Notification for passthrough overlay is hidden by the system. */
    WVR_EventType_ControllerPoseModeChanged          = 2102,
    WVR_EventType_ControllerPoseModeOffsetReady      = 2103,

    /** Input Event region */
    WVR_EventType_ButtonPressed                      = 3000,    /**< @ref WVR_InputId status change to pressed. */
    WVR_EventType_ButtonUnpressed                    = 3001,    /**< @ref WVR_InputId status change to unpressed */
    WVR_EventType_TouchTapped                        = 3002,    /**< @ref WVR_InputId status change to touched. */
    WVR_EventType_TouchUntapped                      = 3003,    /**< @ref WVR_InputId status change to untouched. */
    WVR_EventType_LeftToRightSwipe                   = 3004,    /**< Notification of swipe motion (move Left to Right) on touchpad */
    WVR_EventType_RightToLeftSwipe                   = 3005,    /**< Notification of swipe motion (move Right to Left) on touchpad */
    WVR_EventType_DownToUpSwipe                      = 3006,    /**< Notification of swipe motion (move Down to Up) on touchpad */
    WVR_EventType_UpToDownSwipe                      = 3007,    /**< Notification of swipe motion (move Up to Down) on touchpad */

    /** Accessory events region */
    WVR_EventType_TrackerConnected                   = 4000,    /**< @ref WVR_TrackerId is connected. */
    WVR_EventType_TrackerDisconnected                = 4001,    /**< @ref WVR_TrackerId is disconnected. */
    WVR_EventType_TrackerBatteryLevelUpdate          = 4002,    /**< The battery level of @ref WVR_TrackerId has changed. Use @ref WVR_GetAcceBatteryLevel to check the current battery level. */

    /** Input Event of the accessory region */
    WVR_EventType_TrackerButtonPressed               = 5000,    /**< @ref WVR_InputId status of @ref WVR_TrackerId changed to pressed. */
    WVR_EventType_TrackerButtonUnpressed             = 5001,    /**< @ref WVR_InputId status of @ref WVR_TrackerId changed to not pressed */
    WVR_EventType_TrackerTouchTapped                 = 5002,    /**< @ref WVR_InputId status of @ref WVR_TrackerId changed to touched. */
    WVR_EventType_TrackerTouchUntapped               = 5003,    /**< @ref WVR_InputId status of @ref WVR_TrackerId changed to untouched. */

You can listen to a “button pressed” system event by using the following code:

using Wave.Native;
using Wave.Essence;

void OnEnable()
    SystemEvent.Listen(WVR_EventType.WVR_EventType_ButtonPressed, OnEventButtonPressed);
void OnDisable()
    SystemEvent.Remove(WVR_EventType.WVR_EventType_ButtonPressed, OnEventButtonPressed);

private void OnEventButtonPressed(WVR_Event_t systemEvent)
    Debug.Log("OnEventButtonPressed() " + systemEvent.device.type + ", " + systemEvent.input.inputId);